
生命季刊 /  (Page 2)

赵约翰牧师 赵恩慈师母 来自台湾。赵牧师蒙召后就读于慕迪圣经学院,三一神学院,恩典神学院;获道学硕士及教牧学博士学位,现正在美国崇拜研究学院(IWS)修读崇拜学博士。夫妇同心在中西部牧会18年,后于2007年创立了恩言辅导中心。在亚洲和北美各地事奉,带领以真理为根基的辅导培训课程、敬拜赞美研习会、夫妻营会、培灵会、布道会等 ,传讲持守信仰核心教义、传纯正福音、帮助教会抵挡世俗化的信息。负责历届“中国福音大会”及“传道人培训”的赞美敬拜,担任大会讲员及专题讲员;赵牧师为“基要福音派传道人联盟”顾问牧师。...

韦黛安博士  威斯敏斯特神学院宗教改革历史和神学博士;曾师从薛华(Francis Schaeffer)。曾在欧洲和台湾宣教;InterVarsity同工;讲员,作家。她与丈夫溥伟恩博士育有两个成年儿子。 专题:《路得记》中的基督 Dr. Diane M. Poythress Ph.D. in Reformation History and Theology from Westminster Theological Seminary (WTS). She studied under Francis Schaeffer at L’Abri, was a missionary in Europe and Taiwan, and served as staff for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in Washington, D.C. She is a speaker, writer, and housewife married to Vern Poythress; she is the mother of two grown sons. Topic: Christ in the book of Ruth...

溥伟恩博士 在美国威斯敏斯特神学院(WTS)任教44年,著名的新约、圣经诠释学、系统神学教授。溥博士拥有有6个学位,包括哈佛大学的数学博士学位和斯坦林博施大学的神学博士学位。溥博士著述颇丰,是美国著名基督教哲学家、神学家和圣经学者。 专题1:《创世记》中的基督 专题2: 《诗篇》中的基督 Dr. Vern S. Poythress PhD, Harvard; DTh, Stellenbosch, is distinguished professor of New Testament, biblical interpretation, and systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, where he has taught for 44 years. He has six earned degrees, including a PhD from Harvard University and a ThD from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. In addition to numerous journal articles and essays, Dr. Poythress is a prolific author and an American Calvinist philosopher, theologian and biblical scholar. Topic 1: Christ in Genesis Topic 2: Christ in the Psalms...

滕张佳音博士 芝加哥三一福音神学院文学硕士(宣教)M.A.(Mission)及教牧学(宣教学)博士 DMin (Missiology) 生命季刊(香港)董事会主席 国际短宣使团创办人 牧职神学院荣誉创院院长...