
狄马可牧师(Rev. Mark Dever) 是国会山浸信会主任牧师、九标志(9Marks)事工总裁。他从美国哥顿神学神学院(GCTS)获得道学硕士(MDiv.),美南浸信会神学院(SBTS)获得神学硕士,剑桥大学获得神学博士学位,著有多本有关教会体制和教会论的书籍,其中最具影响力的是《健康教会九标志》一书。 Rev./Dr. Mark Dever has served as the senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church since 1994 and as president of 9Marks (a ministry to churches and church leaders) since its founding in 1998. He’s married to Connie and they have two adult children, both married, and one grandchild. Mark has authored a number of books, including 9 Marks of a Healthy Church....

慕勒博士(Dr. R. Albert Mohler)是美国南方浸信会神学院(SBTS)院长,美国福音派的领袖,当代基督教时事问题专家;播客 “简报”主持人,每天从基督信仰角度分析新闻和事件。慕勒博士著述颇丰,近著有《聚集的风暴:世俗主义、文化和教会》、《使徒的信条:在弯曲悖谬的世代发现真实的基督教》、《颠覆世界的祷告》以及两卷本的《使徒行传》释经书。更多了解,请查看美南浸信会神学院网址。 Dr. Albert Mohler Jr. is the president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is an esteemed authority on contemporary issues and has been recognized by such influential publications as Timeand Christianity Todayas a leader among American evangelicals. In addition to his presidential duties, Dr. Mohler hosts two programs: “The Briefing,” a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview; and “Thinking in Public,” a series of conversations with the day’s leading thinkers. Dr. Mohler has authored numerous books, his most recent being The Gathering Storm: Secularism, Culture, and the Church, The Apostles’ Creed: Discovering Authentic Christianity in an Age of Counterfeit, The Prayer that Turns the World Upside Down, and a two-volume commentary on the book of...

王峙军牧师 来自中国大陆。1990年决志接受耶稣基督,1991年4月来美读神学。曾就读于慕迪圣经学院和三一神学院。1996年底,他和妻子屈儆聆师母一起创办《生命季刊》,2001年创办《生命与信仰》。现为“中国基督徒生命团契”总干事,《生命季刊》及《生命与信仰》主编;著有《十字架的道理》等。王牧师带领的各类聚会均以耶稣基督并祂钉十字架为中心信息,强调认罪悔改,强调过圣洁生活和付代价的门徒生活。“基要福音派传道人联盟”顾问牧师。...

赵约翰牧师 赵恩慈师母 赵约翰牧师 赵恩慈师母 来自台湾。赵牧师蒙召后就读于慕迪圣经学院,三一神学院,恩典神学院;获 道学硕士及教牧学博士学位,现正在美国崇拜研究学院(IWS)修读崇拜学博士。夫妇同心在中西部牧会18年,后于2007年创立了 恩言辅导中心(。近几年在亚洲和北美各地事奉,带领以真理为根基的辅导培训课程、敬拜赞美研习会、夫妻营会、培灵会、布道会等 ,传讲持守信仰核心教义、传纯正福音、帮助教会抵挡世俗化的信息。负责历届“中国福音大会”及“传道人培训”的赞美敬拜,担任大会讲员及专题讲员;赵牧师为“基要福音派传道人联盟”顾问牧师。 1 “从主祷文看教会建造” 导语:主要探讨,主祷文如何能帮助信徒,在面对受逼迫的环境里,活在神的心意中。 大纲: 主祷文的内容和聚焦 初期教会使用主祷文 主祷文帮助建造教会 主祷文帮助面对逼迫 2 “从初期教会的门徒训练看教会建造” 导语:主要探讨,教会如何建造一个个为主活,也为主死的门徒。 大纲: 基督门徒(新兵)训练的必要 初期教会(新兵)训练的内容 初期教会(新兵)训练的贡献 为主建造为他活为他死的门徒...

刘传章牧师 祖籍山东,生于南韩,19岁信主后即献身事奉。先后于五间神学院取得学士、硕士和博士学位;在韩国、台湾、香港及美国牧会,事主50余年。2014年于马利兰中华圣经教会退休后,仍四处奔走主领聚会。历届“中国福音大会”和“香港传道人培训”讲员,“基要福音派传道人联盟”顾问牧师。...

黄子嘉牧师 1962年由台湾成功大学土木工程系毕业, 于1963年蒙召专心传道。曾获台北中华福音神学院道学硕士美国三一神学院神学硕士及Concordia Seminary神学博士。曾在台湾牧会7年,在浸信宣道会神学院任教2年,在中华福音神学院任教16年,期间任教务长7年及院长7年。1997年至2012年任美国新泽西州若歌教会主任牧师,2013年起改任荣誉牧师。后曾任亚特兰大华人基督教会北堂主任牧师,2018年10月起改任“荣誉主任牧师”。 Rev./Dr. Caleb Huang received his B.S. in Civil Engineering from National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan in 1962. He was called for full-time ministry in 1963. He holds a M. Div. from ChungHwa Evangelical Theological Seminary, Taipei, THM from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois; and PHD from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.  Rev Huang pastored a church in Taiwan for 7 years, taught in Taiwan Conservative Baptist Seminary for 2 years, and China Evangelical Theological Seminary(CETS) for 16 years. He served as provost for 7 years and chancellor for 7 years in CETS.  From 1997 to 2012, he served as the senior pastor of the Rutgers Chinese Christian Church (RCCC). From 2013 to 2018, he served as the senior pastor of Atlanta Chinese Christian...

范浩沙博士 是美国三一神学院系统神学研究教授。威斯敏斯特神学院道学硕士(M.Div.),英国 剑桥大学神学博士(Ph.D)。他著述颇丰,涉及神学、释经学和文化等领域。 Dr. Kevin J. Vanhoozer is an American Reformed evangelical and Research Professor of Systematic Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He received his M Div form Westminster Theological Seminary and PhD from Cambridge University. He is the author and editor of numerous books including theology, biblical studies and culture....

溥伟恩博士, 是在美国威斯敏斯特神学院(WTS)任教40多年,是著名的新约、圣经诠释学、系 统神学教授。溥博士拥有六个学位,包括哈佛大学的数学博士学位和斯坦林博施大学的神学博士学位。溥博士著述颇丰,是美国著名神学家和圣经学者。 Dr. Vern S. Poythress PhD, Harvard; DTh, Stellenbosch) is distinguished professor of New Testament, biblical interpretation, and systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, where he has taught for 44 years. He has six earned degrees, including a PhD from Harvard University and a ThD from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. Dr. Poythress is a prolific author and an American Calvinist philosopher, theologian and biblical scholar....

卡森博士 (Dr. D. A. Carson) 是美国三一神学院新约研究教授,世界知名的新约神学专家。卡森博士的主要研 究领域包括圣经神学、历史上的耶稣、后现代主义、多元主义、希腊文法、约 翰神学、保罗神学以及对苦难和罪恶诸问题的研究。卡森博士撰写和编辑了45 本著作;其足迹遍及世界各地,为最受欢迎的福音派讲员之一。卡森博士多次 担任“中国福音大会”讲员。 Dr. Don Carson is emeritus professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois, and founder and theologian-at-large of The Gospel Coalition. He has edited and authored numerous books. He and his wife, Joy, have two children. Dr. Carson has been a speaker at the Gospel for China Conference many times....